Monday, July 30, 2012

Village Housing

Village Houses

The local village houses are built out of wood on wood stilts.  The average house lasts about 3-5 years before needing to be rebuilt.   After the hurricane there are a few families that are unable to rebuild their dilapidated houses.  An old widow, a single mother, a poor family with a crippled father, a poor lay pastor.  We would like to try and raise money to build a house for each of them. Cement will last many generations and will serve as a shelter for the village people during a hurricane.

Cost of a new cement house: $3500
October 13, 2009: We have $1700 of the $3500 raised for our first widow's house. See the pictures of the house. We plan to start in December and put up the walls in February. If you are interested in a project, this is the one!

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